Falun Dafa Book Set (in Chinese Simplified), Hardcover, 38-Book/Set, Box 2 of 2
Falun Dafa Book Set. The full set comes in two 35-pound boxes. This is the second half of the 38-book set (Chinese simplified, large font, hard cover).
To have the full set shipped by a carrier (such as US Post Office or DHL), you will need to place two separate orders, one box per order. (*Do not add other products to this order.)
Note: One set is divided into two boxes, each box is Aus$390.00, the whole set is Aus$780.00.
• Chinese Simplified
• Hardcover
• Gilded
• Large Font
• Book Dimensions: H11.25" x W8.75"
Time Offer:
You can call to purchase the main book Zhuan Falun separately, as well as a few other titles in the set. Check the availability at the physical store.
See the full list of all the 38 Falun Dafa books in this set:
• CS01 - Zhuan Falun
• CS02 - Zhuan Falun (Volume II)
• CS03 - Essentials for Further Advancement
• CS04 - Essentials for Further Advancement II
• CS05 - Falun Gong
• CS06 - The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection
• CS07 - Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa
• CS08 - Zhuan Falun Fajie-The Law of Zhuan Falun Explained
• CS09 - Teaching the Fa at the Assistants' Fa Conference in Changchun
• CS10 - Lectures in the United States
• CS11 - Lecture at the First Conference in North America
• CS12 - Lecture in Sydney
• CS13 - Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia
• CS14 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Singapore
• CS15 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Europe
• CS16 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Canada
• CS17 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Switzerland
• CS18 - Teaching the Fa in San Francisco-2005
• CS19 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference in New Zealand
• CS20 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Houston
• CS21 - Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles
• CS22 - Teaching the Fa at the Eastern U.S. Fa Conference
• CS23 - Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. Fa Conference
• CS24 - Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in the Midwest-U.S.
• CS25 - Guiding the Voyage
• CS26 - Touring North America to Teach the Fa
• CS27 - Teaching the Fa at the Discussion on Music & Fine Art
• CS28 - Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in NY
• CS29 - Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Lantern Festival
• CS30 - Hong Yin
• CS31 - Hong Yin II
• CS32 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference I
• CS33 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference II
• CS34 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference III
• CS35 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference IV
• CS36 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference V
• CS37 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference VI
• CS38 - Teaching the Fa at the Conference VII